Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ARROW Season 2 Trailer Teases Star City and Brother Blood

"I came back to save this city...I failed."

"You Better Pray," the first trailer for the second season of the CW series Arrow, debuted last night, following up on the Season 1 finale's devastation of Starling City's section known as The Glades. 

As the song "Skinny Little Girl" by Hanni El Khatib begins playing, a brief shot hints at a possible transition from Starling City to Star City.  A sign promoting the city's reconstruction proclaims "Starling City...is a Star City!", but the sign has been vandalized with graffiti changing the word "Star" to "Scar" and telling people to "Stick the cops" and "Kill the killers."

"We all lost something in this fight," continues the voiceover as Oliver surveys the city from his car, noticing more graffiti on a wall that reads "Elect Blood" and "Vote Blood."  This, of course, is a tease for DC Comics villain Brother Blood, who will be introduced as Sebastian Blood, played by former True Blood actor Kevin Alejandro.

"We lost the battle, but we will win the war."  Oliver gets a new compound bow as his allies John Diggle and Felicity Smoak look on.  "What doesn't kill me only makes me...sharper."

"The Hood's copycats...They don't have your restraint," warns Diggle of additional vigilantes apparently inspired by Oliver.  We then see Laurel Lance punching out a bad guy, only to end up getting a gun pulled on her.  Some Flashback shots follow of Oliver stick fighting with Slade Wilson and kissing Shado.  Later on, we see a couple of fleeting images of Caity Lotz as Black Canary.

"You've changed," remarks Kelly Hu's character China White as she confronts The Hood with a shadowy male figure that may or may not be Michael Jai White as Bronze Tiger.  "I'm trying another way," replies Oliver.

Arrow returns to the CW on Wednesday, October 9th at 8 p.m. EST.  If you'd like to view the trailer, you can check it out below thanks to YouTube user Televisionpromosdb...

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