Friday, December 10, 2010

Marc Guggenheim Gives His Take on THE FLASH Movie

MTV's Splash Page has posted a new interview with Marc Guggenheim, co-writer of the upcoming movie adaptation of DC Comics' The Flash and current writer on Justice Society of America, where he discusses his take on the Flash movie script and why Barry Allen was chosen as the featured Flash instead of Wally West.

Guggenheim, who previously worked on the brief Bart Allen Flash era in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, remarked that the decision to go with Barry was "very similar for the whole reason we went with Hal for the Green Lantern. That’s the Silver Age character. That’s the character people grew up on. That’s the name first associated with that character. So part of it is honoring the legacy aspect, and the other aspect is just practical — you can go forward, but you can’t really go backward. You can’t start with Kyle Rayner, and then do a movie with Hal Jordan."

Concerning the tone of the film, Guggenheim reiterated previous comparisons to darker films such as Seven and The SIlence of the Lambs, at least in a "mysterious and noir-ish way."  Barry's forensics CSI background will be emphasized in an attempt at "combining a crime thriller with a superhero movie."  He also mentions that there are elements of a sports movie, "because the character is so physical and I feel like there is an athleticism to his power that other superheroes don’t have."

No details on who the featured Rogue villain will be, although Chunk was specifically eliminated from the running, and laughter responses to queries about Gorilla Grodd and the Rainbow Raider seem to imply that those two are off the table as well.

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